Ed's Exalted Toolkit Why are Serial Numbers required for Installation? |
Originally posted on the General Forum
Purpose of serials
Posted by Xenomorph
I'm just curious, what's the purpose of the serials for your program? It's free to use, so I know see the value in placing a security measure that is usually used to combat piracy. This isn't a complaint (and it is an awesome program), I'm just confused by it.
Ed's Reply:
Serials serve a number of purposes. First it is to help keep track of how many are using the toolkits. Web statistics can be deceiving because they list all downloads, full and partial. And some will need to make multiple downloads due to corruption issues (common problem with modem downloads). So a serial request sent via email is a more accurate gauge of how many are using the kits.
Having people request serials opens the way to limited feedback. If someone is willing to ask to use my toolkits, then they are more likely to give some type of comment on the toolkits. Weither they like it/hate it, what they would like to see as improvements, bugs with the toolkits, etc.
But the most important reason for the serials is to keep my interest in this work. Getting emails on a daily basis shows that there are people still interested in using them. Plan and simple, that makes me feel good. Since I do not get paid for this work, the enjoyment factor is the prime reason for continuing the project. Donations do come in and I appreciate every one, but they are not enough to pay the bills, as the saying would go.
This is a creative work that is fueled by the people that use it.
When I gamed, it was for myself, Mike my gamemaster and fellow members of our group.
Now that my gaming days are done, it's for exalted gamers from around the world that enjoy this game called Exalted.
The new version of the toolkits is almost complete and was done only because of emails received and posts on this forum.
Update April 11, 2011:
As of version 5, I started playing exalted again.
Too good of a game to stay away for long.
Have left the original post as is for legacy sake.
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