


 Version 7.1  

Ed's Workshop

Toolkit Samples
Dragon King

Dev Notes

Developer (Ed)
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  Welcome to EdExalted!
  Ed's Toolkits for Exalted is a suite of Windows programs designed to aid the Exalted gamer in their quest for character perfection.   Use the Toolkits to create and keep track of all of your celestial and terrestrial Exalted characters and npc's.

Check out the samples to the left to see what the Toolkits can offer you.   If you like what you see register with the site and then download your copy of the Toolkits.

The News
February 20th, 2018

Version 7.1 Update

Have bundled up a new toolkit update with a number of fixes and minor enhancements.   You can read all the details here.

And work continues for my exalted dice roller.   Have also put together a battle wheel to help keep track of your turns in combat.   You will find it as a tab on the dice roller.

  Exalted Dice Roller  


September 3rd, 2016

Version 7 Ready and No more serials

Have not received any feedback on v7 or the Alchemicals Toolit in a while so am marking this as ready for all.   You can get your copy off the downloads page and yes, I've removed the need for serial numbers in the install.

Thanks to all who have tested v7, but would especially like to thank Skyler for his thorough testing and feedback with the Alchemicals.   He found a lot of things missing and broken.   The assistance was greatly appreciated.

And have been practising with AngularJs and Typescript in the form of a   Exalted Dice Roller   app.

Browse over to page and tell me what you think when either viewing from your phone, tablet or laptop.   This is still a work in progress but am enjoying using this with my regular game sessions.


February 6th, 2016

Version 7 Update - Installer Freeze Fix

Last week, while hanging out over my Storyteller's house we once more ran into issues with installing the Toolkits on a Windows 10 laptop.   Got the them to install eventually, but wasn't until safe mode was done.   But we could not find which application process was causing it to freeze.

So after that, went home and reproduced the issue with the Logitech Setpoint process.   Sat down this week and used Process Explorer to examine all the handles, threads and other low level processes being accessed by both applications to try and figure out what was happening.

No luck there.   So then just started commenting out lines in the install script.    Started with the VB components then tried MDAC.   The issue still happened with these gone.   But then found that by removing the Font install steps, the toolkit installed no longer froze.   With this information, added in checks to the script to only install that were not already on the system and this worked.

Hopefully this will address all of the freeze issues happening.

If you have had issues installing before, please download the new build.   Use your existing passcode or send an email by clicking here: v7 Serial for your download link and serial number.   And for those already testing, please perform a full uninstall before you reinstall the latest update (full install).

Please see the updated list of changes:   Read Me for V7   here (search on 11/28/2014 for new updates).


October 24th, 2015

Version 7 Update - Combo Load Time Improvement

While working on a high end abyssal with over 50 charms, noticed that the combo select and creation form load was slow.   This was because of the keywords for each charm were being retrieved with a database call on each.   Changed this to front load the database call and condence into one retrieve instead of each charm learned by the exalt.   Now the combos load instantly no matter how many charms known.

And if you would like to try out version 7, send an email to: v7 Serial for your download link and serial number.   And for those already testing, please perform a full uninstall before you reinstall the latest update (full install).

Please see the updated list of changes:   Read Me for V7   here (search on 11/28/2014 for new updates).


September 14th, 2015

Version 7 Update - Mortal Toolkit

The first feedback has been given for Version 7.   Seems that the mortal toolkit has been neglected since version 5, since the ability to convert into Infernals, Ghosts and now Alchemicals was missing.   Have updated the v7 install with this change to the Mortal toolkit.

And if you would like to try out version 7, send an email to: v7 Serial for your download link and serial number.

Please see the updated list of changes:   Read Me for V7   here (search on 11/28/2014 for new updates).


August 30th, 2015

Version 7 Ready for Test

The Alchemical Toolkit is now ready.   In addition, there are over 120 fixes and enhancements made to the Toolkits for this release.

If you would like to try out version 7, send an email to: v7 Serial for your download link and serial number.

Please see the updated list of changes:   Read Me for V7   here (search on 11/28/2014 for new updates).


November 28th, 2014

Toolkits November 2014 Update

Have made a number of fixes and completed the Point calculations re-factoring in all toolkits.   A few dozen changes were made in addition to starting on the Alchemical Toolkit.

The base copy over from the Lunar Toolkit code base to Alchemical is completed.   The basics with caste icons are done along with the charm tree being set up.   The Alchemical unique rules will be applied next.

Please see the updated full list since Aprils update:   Read Me for V7   here (search on 4/4/2014 for new updates).


April 13th, 2014

Toolkits April 2014 Update

Since October, over forty bug fixes and enhancements have been made. Here are a few of them:

•Combo Copy
•Combo limit increased to nomax (was 20)
•Added used click ability for health and virtues.
•On armor tab, repurposed shields to Essense Replenisment Rate
•Movement fields added to Health

Please see the updated full list:   Read Me for V7   here (search on 10/27/2013 for new updates).

Still making changes and am getting closer to an Alchemical toolkit. But am now looking to do some refactoring of the point calculations.


October 27th, 2013

Toolkits October Update

Work continues on bug fixes and minor improvements to the toolkits:

•A number of astrology bugs were corrected with caste costs and astrology charms have been re-organized for easier viewing.
•Enhanced Sidereal toolkit to have starting points for astrology charms.
•Added a new tookit size to fit better on netbooks: 1280 x 720.
•Combo costs updated to be free when options in the Point Template are set to either 0 in bp costs or -99 in xp costs.
•Dragon Blooded that are not Immaculates can now learn celestial style martial arts when this option is enabled in the point template.

And dozens of other changes. Please see the updated   Read Me for V7   here (search on 8/4/2013 for new updates).

Currently working on the sidereal character sheets for my upcoming game and am making a character copy feature to allow quick duplicating of characters for alternate designs.


August 4th, 2013

Back to work on the Toolkits

A few weeks ago my gaming group decided to come back to Exalted after a couple year break.   With renewed interest in Exalted, we are now starting a 5+ essence Sidereal game.   Character planning and design has begun and with it, the desire to work on the programs once more.

As a start, a good number of bug fixes have been made for Version 7 in addition to a number of improvements.   The Lunar charm tree has been organized with anchor charms (similar to the Any bridge charms) so that the charms land in the correct trees.   Thaumaturgy Degree starting points have been added to the Point Templates so that you do not have to spend bp to start.   Also making updates to support the Scroll of Errata from 3/13/2012 for this release.

Please see the   Read Me for V7   for the listing of changes made so far.



This site and its contents are Copyright 2003-2010 Edward A. Ostrowski
Exalted, Solar, Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, Abyssal, Sidereal, Dragon-King, Infernal are Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.