Ed's Exalted Toolkit Bugs Found in Beta 1 |
Bonus Points for Abilities wrong on non-fav/caste picks
From: "Death's Angel"
Sunday, January 05, 2003 6:42 PM
When you create a brand new character the spending of the bouns points are wrong.
Example: when you purchase a skill it have to cost you always 2pt, and if
this one it's either favorite or cast one it will have to cost always 1pt.
Instead I have seen that it will always cost you 1pt until 3dots and 2pt for the other ones,
similar to background
Incorrect calculations for new abilities
Example: When you purchase a caste/favored ability, it should cost you one bonus point for rank one to three.
Non-caste/favored cost two points for all ranks.
Instead it will always cost one bp until three dots and then two bp for the other dots.
Jan 6, 2002
Change Ability bonus point calculations.
Print Database Error - Error Opening File
From: Ian Powell
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 1:55 AM
The only /problem/ I'm having is when I go to print or print preview,
it pops up with an error message. Here's the text of the first dialogue:
Seagate Crystal Reports: Database Error
Error opening file.
File could not be opened: "PrintChar_Detail", at file location: "PrintChar_Detail"
If I click OK, a second one pops up a second later.
Ed's Dragon Blooded Toolkit for EXALTED
Print_RunCrystal Error: 20535
Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters.
[C:\Program Files\EdExalted\crystal\CSDBlood1.rpt] (or CS_Solar1.rpt)
This happens regardless of what character is loaded,
and regardless of how many reports I've chosen to print.
I'm running Windows XP, if that helps.
Sounds like a corrupted print database.
Requested a copy of the Exprint.mdb file from Ian to allow further testing.
Dec 22, 2002
Could not duplicate error. Works fine on test system.
No solution.
Wrong Stats on Dire Lance
From: "Malenchite"
Dire lance stats
1.) Dire Lance listed as having damage rating of 3 - core book lists it as 5.
Confusing labeling of weapon
Dec 22, 2002
Added Dire Lance
Changed existing Dire Lance entries to Dire Lance (as Lance)
Only had stats for the "as lance" dire lance. Added "as lance" to names of weapon and added
the other non-lance versions as "as polearm".
Specialty Rank Selection Dbl Click
From: "Charles Baldwin"
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 2:52 PM
"Is it really important that you have to double
click to asign specialty points, it seems a little silly"
Since every other dot selector in the program is single click,
this should also be single to be consistant with other sections.
Dec 15, 2002
Make specialty dot selection single click.
Character sheet bottom cut off
From: David Shifflett
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:20 AM
(Also noticed by DarkProphet)
On the character sheet, the bottom is being truncated:
"The Inititive box is cut in half, and the special notes section only extends to
the third line. Maybe I needed to print it in some special way."
Currently the char sheet's bottom margin is set at 0.5 inches.
Some printers printable areas may not extend that low on a page.
Dec 15, 2002
Change the bottom margin to 0.75 inches.
Squeeze up the contents of the page so that no content is lost.
Error when Printing Report Charm Summary
From: "Jonathan Stott"
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 8:33 AM
> frmChar_Toolkit
> Print_RunCrystalError: 20997
> ??y
> [C:\PROGRAM FILES\EDEXALTED\crystal\CS_Charmsshort.rpt]
Character had too many charms for CS_Charmsshort.rpt to handle.
Dec 13, 2002
After receiving character from Jonathan, was able to reproduce and fix error.
Changed format of report so that it could handle more then a page worth of text.