The following documents list all of the bugs,
suggestions and news items that occurred during the Betas and Version Releases.
The Beginning
March 4th, 2002 to February 13th, 2004
Inital development started in March 2002, after I was laid off and found myself gifted with lots of free time.
The starting toolkit was play-tested by my group and storyteller Mike Medina during this time period.
Once the Solar and Dragon-Blooded Toolkits were stable enough to open up to Beta Testing,
a post was made on Exalted Compendium in December 2002.
This started the first of six rounds of betas were the toolkit evolved into the form you see today.
Beta 1-6 Details
Version 1
February 26th, 2004 to July 21st, 2004
After wrapping up the Betas and completing the Sidereal Toolkit, the project had reached its desired goal.
The creation of a set of character generation tools that would help with the making of the five core exalted.
Version 1 placed all of the changes made in the Betas into an install that anyone could use just by asking.
And ask you did!
Many thousands of serial numbers have been sent out from the relase of Version 1 to the present.
During this time my interest in Exalted wained and a break was taken on making more changes.
Version 1 News
Version 2
November 28th, 2004 to May 6th, 2006
Version 2 mainly delt with getting the basics of the Merits and Flaws entered in.
And a lot of improvements were added to work with the Players Guide.
Please see the Read Me link below to see all of the details.
Later patches included a new xml reporting system that would allow players to customize the reports.
Work on the toolkits were squeezed in when time permitted,
due to a very busy schedule and the real world interrupting my programming time.
Version 2 News
V2 Abyssal
V2 Dragon-Blooded
V2 Lunar
V2 Mortal
V2 Sidereal
V2 Solar
V2 Storyteller
Version 2 Patch 001
Version 2 Patch 002
Version 2 Patch 003
Version 3
May 7th, 2006 to June 16th, 2007
The purpose of this version of the Toolkit was to provide support for 2nd Edition Exalted.
The Solar Toolkit 2e added support for Charms based on a Charm Tree hierarchy (simliar to Lunars).
Intimacies, the removal of Crystal Reports and all of the new twists for this new edition were added.
Version 3 News