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  Ed's Exalted Toolkit
Beta2 News Archive

February 26th, 2003

Beta2 is now closed.
No new passwords will be given out until Beta3 begins.

If you wish, you can send your request for a password and we will hold it until the start of Beta3.   Don't worry, it shouldn't be long before the next beta starts.

Things are going well for the Eclipse caste ability for non-solar charms.
I am working on the integration of the spirit charms now.

And don't forget to try out the new forums.   Post your opinion about my toolkits.   As my actions have shown, your opinion/feedback does make a difference.


February 24th, 2003

A new three part download is now available.   This was added for users having difficulties downloading a 34 meg file.   The new file is broken up into 13mb, 13mb and 10.5mb respectively.   EdExalted2b is the most up to date full install.   It contains patch 001-008.

For new users, download the three part file.    The 34 mb download will be removed in a few days.


February 22th, 2003

The new Forums section is up and ready to take your feedback!   

Beta2 is winding down now.   Feb 25th will be the last day I will give out passwords for the install.   So make sure you ask for a password before then.

I have started work on Beta3.
There have been so many changes in Beta2 that I wish to condense the changes into the main install to keep things from getting messy.   Patch 008 will be the last for Beta2.

I've got the itch to add some of the new content you have asked of me.   Here are the highlights:
Charms with multiple ability requirements
Spirit charms
Eclipse non-solar charms caste ability
Customize bonus and experience point costs

The customize cost enhancement will be the main change of Beta3. Its a big one!

Beta4 will be the Abyssal Toolkit!


February 19th, 2003

Another week and another patch!    Patch 008 is a big one.   Numerious fixes but more importantly, the Armor section in the character Tk's now have a Armor list you can select from.

Download and check it out!


February 12th, 2003

Patch 007 is now up. A varity of minor bugs have been addressed.


February 11th, 2003

Beta 2 is moving along very nicely now.   No major bugs have been found in the 2nd week of the beta.   A handful of minor glitches have been spotted and these will be a patched shortly.

My work has mainly been on this website.   There will be a forum for bugs and suggestions very soon.  

And once again, I want to thank everyone that has sent me feedback or an opinion on my software.   I really do appreciate the support you have given me for my work.


February 3rd, 2003

Patch 006 is now up.

Mike ran a great lunar game this weekend and of course we turned up some bugs.
Go to the patch page to read about and download the latest fixes.


February 2nd, 2003

I wish to welcome all of the new comers to beta 2!

You will need to create a user profile to download the newest version of my Exalted Tools. And you will need a new password from me for the install.

A new full install has been created that contains all of the fixes from patch 1 to 5. If you where a part of the initial beta 2 test, you don't have to download the newest full install. Your patched version will work fine.

I wish to thank everyone that helped me with the first week of testing. Thanks for the feedback!


February 1st, 2003

Patch 5 is up now. This fixes the beastman report.
My fix in patch 2 screwed up the gift bonus to soak. This corrects it.
Also, more A4 format work on the reports.


January 30th, 2003

Just added Patch 4.

Patch 3 is still up there. It is actually patch 1 to 3.
Patch 4 fixes the Beast Toolkit and changes the reports to better fit A4 pages.


January 29th, 2003

Please check out the New Patches page!

A number of bugs have been brought to my attention and I have addressed them.
Go to the patch section to get the latest fixes.

A Thousand Thank You's!


January 26th, 2003

For the select testers, Beta 2 is now available!

The Lunar Toolkit and Storyteller Toolkits are ready in the Download section! Modifications have also been made to the Solar and Dragon-Blooded Toolkits. As a reminder, please export your characters into a safe folder before you uninstall beta 1.



January 14th, 2003

The pics for the Storyteller Toolkits are now up for your viewing pleasure.

With these toolkits, you will be able to customize/add abilities, beasts (companions), backgrounds, charms, gifts and spells. These are programs that I made up to enter in the data for the toolkits.

See Yah!


January 13th, 2003

It took me a little longer then expected, but I have completed the Lunar Toolkit! Take a look at the new pics for the Lunar TK and Lunar reports.

The Gifts for Beastman form made it more difficult, but I'm sure you will be pleased with the results. Beastman gifts will add directly into the Beastman character sheet, so that you don't have to worry about that 2L soak or +4 stamina bonus, etc that can be added in.

Mike is debugging these now so after he gives the go ahead, we will start with Beta 2.

Beta 2 will be different from what I originally intended. It really should be called the Lunar Beta. Major changes had to be done to the database to get the Lunar TK to work, and this affected the Solar and Dragon-Blooded TK. Also, I have addressed the bugs that you sent me. Thank goodness there weren't that many.

Thanks for the patience,



This site and its contents are Copyright 2003-2010 Edward A. Ostrowski
Exalted, Solar, Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, Abyssal, Sidereal, Dragon-King, Infernal are Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.