Ed's Exalted Toolkit Beta 3 Wish List |
Ideas for additional content to the Toolkits from Beta3:
Add Dynast Button to Solar Toolkit
Add Dynast button as found in the Dragon-Blooded Toolkit.
This is for when a dynast raised mortal is exalted into a solar.
Add Hearthstones Section
Add a seperate section for Hearthstones that calculates your essence regeneration as time goes on.
Solar, Dragon-Blooded and Lunar Toolkits - Weapon Bonuses for Characters
Add the + signs on the weapon bonus values.
Add New Weapons
Add Weapons from Night Caste Book.
Solar Toolkits - More Health
Add another line of -2 health levels to Solars
Storyteller Toolkits - Add Reports
Reporting - Add to all Storyteller Toolkits
Solar, Dragon-Blooded and Lunar Toolkits - Bonus Point Tracker
Add a way to show what bonus points have been spent where.
New Toolkit: Character Storyteller Toolkit
Will show all characters in system.
Non editable summary of their status (i.e. Health Levels, Willpower, Limit Break, Essence, Charms, spells, etc.).
Allow you to make mass deletions, exports, prints, etc.
New Toolkit: Weapons Toolkit
Allow entry and modification of existing weapons available to characters.
Weapons: Bow & Arrows
Perhaps adjust the weapons database to show multiple entries for bows based on arrow type
(Self Bow, Broadhead Arrows could be one listing, and Self Bow, Fowling Arrows could be a different entry, etc.)
Good idea with the bows and arrow.
Someone else suggested doing putting in the arrow types, but just arrows didn't make much sense.
Combining the arrows with the bow works.
Weapons: Bow Base Damage - Non-magical vs. Power
My thoughts on this is to add a new weapon category.
Currently I have all bows in as ranged.
If I make a new category ranged-power, then I can accomplish what you point out.
With the normal ranged I would look at the base damage and char's strength.
I would pick the lower of the two for the bow's damage.
But in the power bow, I would always pick the character's strength.
This works within my current data structure so it wouldn't be a difficult mod to make.
Solar, DBlood, Lunar Toolkits - Allow Charm Selection if ability required is > 5
"Unofficially" heard this is based on the essence rating. That exalted can have attributes and abilities equal to Essence.
Solar, Dragon-Blooded and Lunar Toolkits - Character Portraits
Allow users to load their own character Portrait into the program
Please remember, this is a "wish list". Just because I am listing them does not mean the changes will be made!
The mark denotes that the suggestion has been incorporated into the toolkits.