Ed's Exalted Toolkit Beta4 News Archive |
June 30th, 2003
Beta4 Ending
Today is the last day that passwords will be given out for Beta4.
The past three weeks have gone well with testing and feedback on the programs.
Thanks again for your help.
Work on Beta5 has already begun.
Some of the improvements to look forward to are an easier to use toolbar, cleaner looking gui and a quick bar for easy access to all of the toolkits.
Character templates will be made for each of the character toolkits.
A storyteller toolkit for weapon entry is also in the works.
June 25th, 2003
Patch Beta4_001 is now ready!
Customizable Sounds and Backgrounds (i.e. Bells and Whistles)
In addition to providing fixes to a number of minor bugs, this patch has a major usability update with the addition of sound events (thanks Brad!).
Button clicks, dot selection, charm picks, etc.
These all have sounds associated with them now.
And if you don't like the sound, you can replace the default with your own wav file!
The background graphics are no longer embedded into the character toolkits.
You can now use your own bmp and jpg graphics as the backgrounds.
You can download this update from the Patches page.
June 8th, 2003
Beta4 is now open!
The Beta4 download is ready for testing!
Please go to the download page to get your copy of the Abyssal and Artifact Toolkits.
In order to install the software, you will have to receive a password from me.
Send your requests to Ed@EdExalted.com.
And remember to provide feedback on the toolkits.
You can either post in my Forums or email me.
Your Feedback is very important!
The finding of bugs and offering of suggestions has helped make this software what it is today.
Thanks, and Happy Testing!
June 5th, 2003
Abyssal and Artifact Toolkits completed!
Pre-Beta testing on the Abyssal Toolkit has gone well.
With the addition of the Solar/Abyssal Conversion feature, the Abyssal Toolkit is ready.
Samples for the completed Artifact Toolkit and the associated Artifact Search function are now available.
Artifact Toolkit
Artifact Search
Artifact Results
Beta4 will begin after the completion of website maintenance and install tests.
In other words, very, very soon.
May 20th, 2003
Site Upgrade - Style change
To better match the look of the Toolkits, the site's style has been upgraded to larger, easier to read fonts.
You may need to refresh your browser to load the newest versions of the backgrounds.
May 19th, 2003 16:50 est
Beta4: The Abyssal Toolkit Week Two
All of the Samples for the Abyssal Toolkit are now ready for viewing.
Click here
to get a sneak peek of what's coming next.
May 12th, 2003 23:20 est
Abyssal Toolkit Development Started
Now that all the major work for Beta3 is completed, my work can begin on the Abyssal Toolkit.
Over the past couple of days I have been busy doing the start up work on the Toolkit.
Here is a sample of the
Abyssal Concept
Expect Beta4, the Abyssal Toolkit to be ready in about four weeks.