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  Ed's Exalted Toolkit
Beta 5 News Archive

September 7th, 2003

Beta 5 Closed

Today is the last day password requests will be accepted for Beta 5.   Also, registration will be turned off for the time being.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone that has participated in testing my toolkits for Exalted.   The response in feedback and bug reports has been fantastic!   With your help on Beta 5 and over the past nine months, I have been able to improve the toolkits to the high level of quality that they have obtained.

Please continue to send me any bugs that you find and any suggestions that you may have.



September 4th, 2003

New Full Install: Beta 5b

The newest full install includes patches 001-005.   In addition, Beta 5b has received a look upgrade with options to allow the user to choose to add the portraits folder to drive C along with adding a short cut to desktop.

Also, Beta 5 will be closing within the next few days.

Thank you,


September 3rd, 2003

Beta 5 Patch 005 - Report Fix and Charm Tree Performance mod

A bug in the building of the combo reports caused the last combo in the list to be left out.   After further testing, this bug was found in all of the multi-item reports.   For example, if you had ten charms, only the first nine would be listed.   This bug, among others has been corrected in this patch.

Click here to go to the patches page.



August 26th, 2003

Surprise, surprise - another patch is here: Beta 5 patch 004

Point Template Essence Load Fix
Combined patch of Beta5_001-003

Some users experienced difficulties with the install search aspect of patch Beta5_003.   This patch addresses that issue and a number of others.   Most especially the bonus point miscalculation when any Bonus Point Template was selected.

The installation wizard has also received a upgrade.   A more appropriate splash screen has been added and a Read Me step to inform you of the changes in this patch.

Click here to go to the patches page.



August 23th, 2003

Beta 5 patch 003 is now ready for Download

This patch covers a lot of ground.   Here are the key points:

Improved 800x600 coverage
(Menut Setting 800 x 600 Layout Adjuster added)

Mortal Toolkit - Heroic Mortal Speciality cost corrected
(Favored and Non-favored costs were reversed.)

Dragon-Blooded and Lunar Toolkits: Terrestrial Sorcery Spells Now Display
(Select Users had the spells hidden by a graphics glitch.)

Lunar Toolkit - Deadly Beastman Transformation Adjustments
(Hide/Show Beastman Description added.   This will hide the description and move up the Beastman detail to prevent it from being cut off by the bottom of the page.   Form also made resizable.)

Abyssal Liege Points fix
(Points should calculate correctly now.)

Please go to the Patches page to get your copy.

Thanks for your Feedback!


August 18th, 2003

Beta 5 patch 001 - 002 Available

A number of bugs have popped up that needed immediate attention.   The main problems corrected in the patch hindered the printing of the Abyssal and Lunar sheets.   Please go to the Patches page.  

Thank you,


August 14th, 2003

Beta 5 is Here!

Thank you for your patience.   Beta 5 is available from the Download page.   As usual, you will have to receive a install password from me.   Send your requests to Ed@EdExalted.com.

I wish to welcome all of the new testers that have joined up over the past couple of months.   Please feel free to email me or post in my forums about anything you like or dislike about the toolkits.   Bug reports and enhancements requests are always wanted.   Especially the bugs!   That is the whole reason for this site.   To further stress test this software and find any remaining holes in the code.

Thank you,


July 30th, 2003

New Character Toolkit - Mortal Toolkit

With the completion of all of the other Character Toolkits, I decided to make the Mortal Toolkit.   This has been a wish list item since Beta 1.   I am please to present this to you and look forward to your feedback concerning it, once Beta 5 begins.

Now that the Mortal Toolkit is completed, I can see how useful it will be for those starting a new campaign.   You can now make your character up to play out the exaltation and then convert her into a Solar, Dragon-Blooded, Lunar or Abyssal.   All you will have to do is click one of the Exalt buttons and your mortal will be converted and ready to make into an exalted!

Mortal Toolkit Sample section


July 23rd, 2003

Toolkit Polishing - Dragon-Blooded

The Dragon-Blooded turned out to be the hardest color scheme to update.   Myself and Andrea decided upon an earthen feel verus the fire/blood look used previously.   The new look is built upon the basis of "Jade".   Since a Dragon-Blooded's existance is wrapped around her jade artifacts and they are terrestrial exalted, I felt it appropriate to change the scheme to this.

Dragon-Blooded Toolkit Sample section


July 21st, 2003

Toolkit Polishing - Solar and Lunar

The style update is now complete for the Solar and Lunar Toolkits.   Please check the following links to see the new looks!

Solar Toolkit Sample section
Lunar Toolkit Sample section


July 7th, 2003

Toolkit Polishing - Abyssal

In the forthcoming beta, all of the character toolkits will receive another look upgrade.   My friend Andrea Smith has once more aided me in this graphical and layout enhancement.   This upgrade will include a more appealing and useful toolbar, transparent etched borders around the text fields and a cleaner placement of data elements.   The goal is to further enhance the viewing experience of the user.

The update to the main form of the Abyssal toolkit is complete.   You can view the changes in the Abyssal Toolkit Sample section.



This site and its contents are Copyright 2003-2010 Edward A. Ostrowski
Exalted, Solar, Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, Abyssal, Sidereal, Dragon-King, Infernal are Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.