


 Version 7.1  

Ed's Workshop

Toolkit Samples
Dragon King

Dev Notes

Developer (Ed)
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Registered: 22043
On Now: 1



Changes made from June 9th, 2011 to March 20th, 2016


Alchemical Toolkit for 2nd Edition


All Character Toolkits
Overflow error when starting Toolkit with Higher Resolutions

Error Received:
basGen: GenDisplayImgBackground Error: 6 :Overflow

1920x1080 resolution

Fix: Corrected by adding trap for error.

All Character Toolkits
Automation error on Toolkit startup

Sometimes when a install does not work correctly, a automation error can occur when attempting to load the caste mark images into the agility grid.   his spams the user with many messages boxes while it attempts to load each ability image in the grid.

Load_CasteImage Error: -2147417848
Automation error

Fix: Added a catch of the error to gracefully skip to the next item on the ability list.   The user will know something is wrong since there will not be any images in the grid, but this is preferable to all the message boxes.

Charm Update
Invincible Ego Shield

Added Keyword Combo-Ok and Mirror to Invincible Ego Shield, Dark Will Triumphant and Combo-Ok to the Wound-Denying Dragon Faith.

Charm Keyword
Added Extension Keyword

To help differentiate charms that are extension charms and not allowable to other exalts (i.e. martial arts), added new keyword to make this noticable in the program.

This is an extension charm and can only be learned by the exalted type that created it.   So if a charm with this keyword is in a Sidereal Celestial Style Martial Art, then only sidereals can learn it.

Sidereal Toolkit
Starting Specialty Extra Dots 99/99

The freebie specialty dots are not being initialize correctly at startup.   You would have to reselect the BP point template to properly set.

Fix: Added in correct initialization of the starting points for specialties.

All Character Toolkits
Added Thaumaturgy Degree Starting Points

Added a new point template item to allow the setting of a Thaumaturgy Degrees Starting Point freebie pool.   This will give free picks in degrees starting from rank3 to 2 to 1.


All Character Tookits with Ability charms

Change sort order to help with Any charm placement.


Lunar Toolkit
Charms falling in general trees

Many of the Lunar charms have pre-reqs of the "Any Attribute" charm.   This would cause the charms to link up and display in the general tree of that attribute.

Fix: Added anchor charms and Any Attribute charms for each tree to give the charm tree population logic something to latch on to instead of defaulting into the general tree.

Charm Toolkit
Added DisplayNameMaxLength to registry

A hard coded value of 15 characters in length would be used for the trimming down of Tree Names in the charm selection list when sort by Tree Name was applied.   Changed to reg setting to allow customization.


Solar Toolkit
Blank row in Points Spent window

A extra blank row was added to the end of the Points Spent list.

Fix: Removed this extra row.

Dragon King, Infernal, Sidereal, Solar Toolkits
Double BP Essence Point entry

After selecting a point or more of Essence with Bonus Points, you will notice a extra 1 dot essence pick in the points spent popup window.   This did not spend more bonus points, but would clutter the point spent list.

Fix: Remove double Essence spent entry in Points Spent when raising essence in BP phase.

All Character Toolkits
MA Charms cannot be unselected from select list

Double clicking on a selected martial art charm does nothing.   You would need unselect via the ma charm tree.

Fix: Updated logic to chck for full key of charm.   This new key type was added as a performance feature.

Sidereal Toolkit
Solar Spells clicked on do not select

After enabling solar spell selection in the point template and unhiding the solar sorcery charm by moving to the Occult tree, you will find that selecting a solar spell does not add it to the selected list.   Instead it gets added to the necromancy list.

Fix: Solar spells now add to the sorcery selected list instead of the necromancy list.

All Character Toolkits
BP miss-charged for Sorcery charms.

Reducing by the curAvailableSP gave the wrong number when 2 or 3 sorcery charms were selected.   Would be off by one or two and miss charge bonus points for the charms even though there was still freebie picks.

Fix: Updated Charms total counter to reset the counter appropriately.

Sidereal Toolkit
Force reload of charm tree

Add a tool menu option that when clicked, will reload the entire charm tree.   Will have to unload it first then re-initialize.   Added "Reload Toolkit" option to the Tools menu to force a reload.


All Character Toolkits
Add 2nd ability to Charm Description

When clicking on a charm for the description, include the 2nd ability name and minimum rating in the charm's detail of the description.   Also includes Attribute and Virtue based charms.


All Character Toolkits
Charm "Craft" 2nd Ability Pre-Req Invalid

Charms with "craft" as a 2nd pre-req charm are not being marked as a successful pick if character has other crafts.   Should pick up the highest of any of their crafts and use that for determining pre-req selection.   Fix: Added logic in ExChmTrv.dll to also check for "craft" ability for 2nd pre-req ability.

All Toolkits
Export files missing utf-8 encoding

The vast majority of the time, the encoding of a XML file does not have any problems with a character that is not ANSI compliant.   But in rare cases, so user's systems may not get along with the ANSI 176 character that is used in Any charms to denote as no cost.   When this encoding issue does occur, then a export character will not be able to be imported to another user's system.

Fix: Add UTF-8 to xml document's processing instructions to prevent errors with characters over ANSI 126.

All Character Toolkits
Some exports fail on missing flaws

If a flaw was removed from the database, then the export will fail when there is a character that had it and you try to export.

Fix: Add check for null flaw & merit names and skip attempting to add it to the export xml.

Spell Toolkit
Import fails with type mismatch

Fix: Clean up the spell import code and made the correct objects used.

All Character Toolkits
Add Mouse Wheel Support to Grids

Now when you mouse over the Abilities, Backgrounds, Specialties, etc. and use the mouse wheel, it will respond.

Character popup windows updated:

Ability Packs
Artifact Search
Points Spent
Special XP
Wyld Mutations
Lunar: Attribute Specialties


All Character Toolkits
Ability Pack Name forecolor is black

After selecting a ability pack, the loaded name is display black instead of the color for the title of the grid.

Fix: Set forecolor to same as title of the grid.

All Character Toolkits
New Bonus Point Templates for 2.2

Added New Bonus Point Templates for 2.2: Scroll of Errata date 3/13/2012. Added for all exalt types.


Artifact Toolkit
*All Option added for selection

Added *All option for exalt type and category selection to allow the showing of all artifacts.


Charm Toolkit
Update Keyword Form-Type

This Charm is a martial arts Form-type Charm. Characters cannot use more than one Martial Arts Form-type Charm at a time.   The character must end one Form-type Charm to use another.

Scroll of Errata 3/13/2012 p 12: All Martial Arts Charms with the Form-type keyword now also possess the Combo-Basic Keyword.   However, the first time in an action that a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is activated in a Combo in conjunction with a Charm possessing the Form-type keyword, a two Willpower surcharge is added to the Charm's cost.


Martial Art Form-Type Charms
Add Combo-Basic keyword

As specified in the Scroll of Errata 3/13/2012 p 12, add keyword Combo-Basic to all martial art form charms.


All Character toolkits
grdBackground2_Click Error: 381 Subscript out of range

Click on More Backgrounds grid when empty to generate this error.

Fix: Add check to Background2 grid click event to exit out gracefully when there are no rows in the background grid.

All Character Toolkits
Move Protect Charms from Menu to Tab

Add a clickable image to the Charm & MA tab (ma too) that lets you toggle on/off the Protection of Charm clicking to allow easier reviewing of charm descriptions.


~~~After 8/4/2013 Post

Sidereal Toolkit
Add Resize of 1280 x 720

Added a new Resize mode to allow better fitting to smaller laptops.


Thaumaturgy Procedure Toolkit
Add copy procedure feature

Added new option in toolbar to allow the copying of the current procedure.   New procedure will have a #1 added to the end of its name.


Background 2 Toolkit
Add copy background feature

Added new option in toolbar to allow the copying of the current background.   New background will have a #1 added to the end of its name.


All Character toolkits
800 x 600 Resolution Adjuster off on restarts

After the character toolkits are restarted with this setting on, the Left Tab Buttons will not line up correctly.

Fix: Move initial setting of 800 x 600 to after the Resize Toolkit logic is run.

Sidereal, Dragon King, Ghost, Infernal,
Lunar, Solar, Spirit Toolkits
Thaumaturgy Button misaligned after 800 x 600 Res Adjuster enabled.

800 x 600 Resolution Adjuster - Thaumaturgy button does not move correctly when this option is chosen.

Fix: Add logic to move the Thaumaturgy button as expected.

Sidereal Toolkit
New Point Template Item Astrology_Dots_Max_Free_Picks

Added Astrology_Dots_Max_Free_Picks to allow indepentent customization of astrology.


Ability Toolkit
Export Bug with Node Name truncating on dash

When exporting abilities, the name attribute in the ability node is being striped from the embedded dash.   So Craft - Earth would become Craft. Cosmetic bug in the xml, no effect on the import end.

Fix: remove unnecessary dash striping logic.

Ability Toolkit
Import error: Object Variable not set

If a export has abilities included with no ability id, that import with throw a Object Variable with block not set error.

Fix: Added check on import to screen out items that do not have an ability id.

Ability Toolkit
On Exports, missing Caste Ability Mappings from v6 Exalts

Missing the caste ability mappings for Dragon Kings, Ghosts, Infernals and Mountain Folk on all exported ablities.

Fix: Added Caste Ability mappings for Dragon Kings, Ghosts, Infernals and Mountain Folk.

All Character toolkits
Move Protect Charms from Menu to Tabs

Add a clickable image to the Charm, MA and Thaumaturgy Tabs that lets you toggle on/off the Protection of Charm clicking to allow easier reviewing of charm descriptions.


Sidereal Toolkit
Zero cost sorcery add to point spent

Bonus Point Spent: Add a No Cost entry to point spent when sorcery or necromancy charms are zero cost.

BaseXml for All Character toolkits
Base XP for WP

Exalted 2.1 Starting WP changes were missed for all exalt types.   It was only doing the original rules of a calculating 6 to current wp.

Fix: Apply the Exalted 2.1 Starting WP rules to base xml calculations for XP.

All Character Toolkit Imports, Storyteller Manager
Character Names are #1#1 when they should be #2

When importing a character and unchecking the replace existing character with same name option, will have multiple characters with the same name being imported with a appending of #1 to their name instead of #2, #3, etc.

Fix: Adjust naming logic to check for # and add the next number in the sequence.

Storyteller Manager
Add Apply 1280 x720 to All Character toolkits

In Settings menu, add the 1280 x720 apply option to all toolkits.


All Character toolkits
Merits & Flaws unselect changed to dbl click

Unselecting a merit or flaw will take a double click now.   Single click will bring up the description.


All Character toolkits
Child Merit shows point cost >> on right after selection

After selecting the Child merit or another merit that has a short name, can see data that should be hidden.

Fix: Pad the point cost so that it is farther off the viewable area.   Constant mcMERIT_COST_SPACE & mcFLAW_COST_SPACE from 70 to 100.

All Character toolkits
Combo selection Combo-Basic Invalid

Fix: Rework combo charm selection logic to check for the rule that combo-basic charms are with Reflexive charms.

All Character toolkits
Starting Specialty Extra Dots 99/99

The freebie specialty dots are not being initialize correctly at startup.   You would have to reselect the BP point template to properly set.

Fix: Added in correct initialization of the starting points for specialties.

All Character toolkits
Charms in Combos wrapping in selected grid

After building a combo with charms that have long names, the selected charm names will word wrap and then go off the viewable area of the grid cell.

Fix: Check program display resolution and right trim the name of the select charm to fit on one line to prevent the word wrap.

All Character toolkits
Lotus Root charm selection off by Half Pick

When selecting terrestrial martial art charm with the lotus root discount active, an extra half pick of charms would be available.   This was caused by using a long integer type which rounded up the pick count to allow the extra half pick.

Fix: Change counters in a number of bonus point calculations to use currency counter types to prevent the round up.

All Character toolkits
Added Martial Art Style Name to charm description

When clicking on a charm to display the description, also include Exalted type and style name in the 2nd line of the description.


All Celestial Character Toolkits
Lotus Root charm selection may be off by a 0.5 starting pick

Bug occured with Lotus Root charm selected, multiple terrestrial martial arts selected and 1 or more sorcery charms picked. A extra terrestrial ma charm was being selected for free whent his combination of MA charms and sorcery was picked.

Fix: Changed Charm counters to currency data types to allow 0.5 charms SP to be counted.   Corrected in the Sorcery/Necromancy bp calcs by adding a check for 0.5 starting points remaining.   This was only looking for whole numbers before, so by adding in a .5 check, it can take into account the 0.5 cost that was being missed.

Sidereal Toolkit
Add Astrology Charm Starting Points

Added starting points for sidereal astrology charm freebie picks.


Sidereal Toolkit
Astrology Charms to XP not being calculated correctly

When converting to experienced, the Number_Purchased value was always zero.

Fix: Change check from NumberPurchased to Number_Purchased.

Sidereal Toolkit
Astrology Charms to XP Spent changed to individual Charms

Changed to list out Astrology Charms individually.


Sidereal Toolkit
Astrology Charms Caste costs as non caste

When picking caste astrology charms, the caste astrology colleges are not being charged the caste cost.

Fix: Corrected to load the correct college value to determine if cast or non caste.

Sidereal Toolkit
Astrology Charm Tree now breaks down by College

Set up the Astrology Charm Tree to list out by astrology college, instead of just one Greater Arts of Astrology node.


Sidereal Toolkit
Astrology Charm protect from selection

Added click protect support to the Astrology Charm tree form.   This will also carry over the current protect state from the master form.


Sidereal Toolkit
Ability Spent XP entries dot range

On xp spent for abilities and astrology colleges, have dots spent list as 1 to # when over 1 dot (i.e., 1 to 3 instead of 3).


~~~After 10/27/2013 Post

Dragon Blooded Toolkit
Added Point Template Item

Allow Celestial MA Point Templated item "Martial Art Celestial Allow to Learn? (0=No, 1=Yes)" added to allow customization of MA for non immaculates.   This decouples the Immaculate check box from this ability.


All Character Toolkits
Combos are charged XP when they should not (2.5 rules)

Placing a zero in point template item xxx does not remove the xp cost.   This instead caused full price to be charged since the existing logic adds the value to the combo cost.

Fix: Change value in this item to -99.   Then update all toolkits to check if the total cost of the combo is negative.   If so, then zero out.

Sidereal Toolkit
Convert to xp on astrology non caste is charging caste value

This throws off the total costs of the base xml so a negative value will show up.   Being caused by the initial loading of the astrology college grid. The caste flag once set is not being reset to false, so once a caste college is loaded into the grid, then all colleges after that are being set as caste even when they are not.

Fix: Always clear the caste column flag when loading the astrology grid with caste image.

All Toolkits that Print
Character sheets not showing bold or styles

Bolds, fonts and other styles are not showing on the character sheets.

Fix: Include file CharStyle.css in the installer.

All Character Toolkits
Add Character Copy Toolbar Option

Added a new button to the toolbar to allow currently displayed characters to be copied.   This new character is renamed with a #1 to the characters right side of their name.   All other data is identical.


Sidereal Toolkit
Combo & Astrology Layout update

Adjusted size of these grids in 1600 x 1200 to have more room.


Character Sheet
Combo Summary

Added a new report to list out summaries of combos without the charm description.


Artifact Toolkit
Search Text Color is White

The search text color is white, needs to be black.

Fix: Change the search text to black so that it can be read.

Artifact Toolkit
Exports - Add Category and Type options

When selecting the artifacts to export, you now have the option of filtering by category and type.


All Character Toolkits
Add Back Button on Import Export forms

After selecting your import or export file and landing on the character select form, you can now click the Back button to bring up the file select form.


Campaign Sheets
Mortal Extras not assigned Extra HL

Campaign sheet no longer recognized "Mortal, Extra" as the 1,2,3 splat health level.

Fix: Exalted type had changed for mortal extras, so needed to update sheet to correct exalted type.

All Character Toolkits
Add Movement fields

Add in the ability to display movement in the toolkits along with modifiers.   Also changed reports to use new movement values.


All Character Toolkits
User Control for Character Descriptions

Refactored description area to be its own ActiveX user control.


All Character Toolkits
ArtifactSearchLoad_Desc gives missing field error

Loading artifact from search gives a sql error.

Fix: Updated query to include Artifact Name in query.

Artifact Import
Descriptions not matching up

Something is wrong with the import process that determines the id of the discription.   Its not mapping correctly.   Examine import to find out why.

Fix: After getting the new id by name in the Import, was not assigning this new id to the oArtifact_Desc.Artifact_Id field, so was using old id.   Updated to use new id in all table inserts.

Artifact Toolkit
Artifact Import/Export Type mismatch

Noticed that artifact types were not being checked by artifact type name on import.   This causes the types to not match up if the types were created on a different system then mine(id's don't always match).

Fix: For Exports, added fields Artifact_Type_Name and Artifact_Category_Name to xml.   These are then used on import to cross reference the importing systems id's.

Artifact Toolkit
New field Artifact Era

Added new column and table to handle the grouping of artifacts by Era (1st age, 2nd age, etc.).


Artifact Toolkit
Post delete of artifact posistions to top of list

After deleting an artifact, list will select the next artifact in the list instead of going to the top.

Fix: Position to the artifact next in the list instead of the top.

All Character Toolkits
New select tab buttons

Refactored all tab buttons to use an active X control.


All Character Toolkits
No max character value on Combo Names

When assigning a name to a combo, there was not a limit on the length of the name.   This would cause save errors since the name has a finite size in the database.

Fix: Added size check on combot name and increased field size of ComboName to 100 characters to prevent errors on character save.

All Character Toolkits
Add CSV Button to Charm Tab

Create CSV file of all Charms and MA Charms for the creating of reports in Excel.   In particular, a filtered report of scene length charms to keep track of committed essence.


All Character Toolkits
Cannot type in "/" into weapon damage fields

Added ascii code 47 to allowed list. ExImport.dll was converted the weapon damage value to a long.   This caused all non numeric characters to be removed. Removed the Val function call.


All Character Toolkits

Combo charms selectable multiple times

Combos – Deselecting a charm from a pre-made combo will place it back on the available list, thereby having multiple instances of it.

Fix: Updated to prevent duplicate picks.

All Character Toolkits
Combo charm selected does not change description

Selected charm will highlight but does not change to newly added charm's description.

Fix: Changed the displayed description of the charm being selected.

All character Toolkits
Combo Form Resize Support

Add form resolution support to size the window differently based on the currently selected form size.   Also changed the buttons to the new tab button control.


Charm Toolkit
Copy of Immaculate charms fail

An Invalid Charm Tree error is displayed is displayed. And then the exception is shown: frmCopyCharm, Valid Data Error 5, "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument" This error is occurring due to the immaculate exalt types allowing the displaying of charm trees.   Since martial arts charms do not use charm trees, this causes the Charm Tree combo box to be disabled.   Since it is disabled, it can not accept focus, therebye throwing the 2nd exception.

Fix: In ValidData, check to see if charm tree is enabled. Skip check if not enabled.

All Character Sheets
Armor section of Character sheet

Removed Shield Soak Melee & Range. These fields have been repurposed as fields for Essence Replenisment Rate and are now referenced in the Essence section.


All Character Toolkits
Armor Tab - Essense Replenisment Rate

Changed Shield soak melee/ranged to Essence Replenisment Rate for Base and Bonus values (hearthstone, artifacts, etc.).


Storyteller Toolkit
Campaign Sheets

When selecting the characters for a campaign sheet, if the available characters becomes unselected, then a error message will display.

Fix: Change the error check to see if the selected list has any characters.   Ignore the available list. ------------------------
Character Campaign Summary Sheet
Sheet missing Occult + Wits column

Updated campaign sheet to include a column for Occult + Wits.


Character Sheets
Added CSS lines for Languages, Special Notes

Use CSS to place a line on the bottom of the table cells for each line of notes or languages.   Also added underline for extra bonuses of attributes and abilities.


All Character Toolkits
Only 20 Combos allowed

Dynamic logic is missing to increase the size of the grid when it runs out of rows for the combos.

Fix: Add logic to check if all the rows are used up and to add when needed at time of combo build and also at combo load.

All Character Toolkits
Weapons Tab Ability - Add Martial Arts (Str)

Allow the ability to use strength as the accuracy bonus for a clinch attack.


All Character Toolkits
Damage click ability to Health

On the health dots, clicking the health level dot will now cycle through the different levels of damage: Bashing slash, Lethal double slash, and Aggravated triple slash/asterick.   Also provided button to reset all health levels back to undamages state.


All Character Toolkits
0 Health Levels may not reset to default on New Character

After a character with more then 0 level health levels is loaded and has a -1 in extra 0 HL, clicking new character is not clearing the 0 level down to 1 HL.   Clicking the New button a 2nd time resets it back to 1 HL as expected.

Fix: Change order of the resetting of the health bars so that the extra HL is cleared first.

All Character Toolkits
Added Dying Health Row

With the addition of the clickable health levels to mark off damage, added dying health levels to also track this damage.   One row up to ten dots are displayed base on the characters stamina.


All Character Toolkit
Add Health Levels to Resize

Programmically determine the layout of the health grids for more precise location on the form.


All Character Toolkits
Added Used click ability to Advantage Dots

On the Virtues, Willpower and Essence bars, clicking the dot will now cycle through the a single and then double slash to mark as used.   Also provided button to reset all advantages back to undamages state.   These clickable affects are only available once the advantages are locked via the lock icon on the tab.


All Character Toolkits
Weapon Range changed to a String

Changing the range to as 8 character long string allows the entry of weapon tags and other notes when the weapon has no range.


All Character Toolkits
Weapon field layout adjustment

Adjust layout of the weapons tab to give more width to damage and range in addition to other fields.


All Character Toolkits
Remove screen resolution adjuster from settings Menu

This option no longer has an effect due to use of higher resolutions over 1024 x 768.


All Character Toolkits
Combo Copy

Added feature to copy existing combos.   When copy button is clicked, a identical copy of the combo will be added to the character.


~~~After 4/4/2014 Post

All Character Toolkits
Add CSV Button to Charm Tab

Create CSV file of all Charms and MA Charms for the creating of reports in Excel.   In particular, a filtered report of scene length charms to keep track of committed essence.


All Character Toolkits
Character Copy on large xp characters not always copying BasXml

Base XML save method was not being called on the Action Char Copy.   The only time is is called otherwise is at the convert to experienced method, so is not included in the standard save insert.

Fix: Add save/insert of base xml when performing the copy.   Also found that the char id was not being loaded into the base xml object on any saves, so also fixed this.

All Character Toolkits
Extra Action charm with combo-basic

This appears to be the first reflexive combo-basic charm (duck fate) encountered.

Fix: Added a check for reflexive combo-basic charms and extra actions.

All Character Toolkits
Import & Export forms have extra sound event on display

When the checkbox to overwrite an existing character is on from the last load, it will be re-checked on.   This loading is causing the sound event to fire when it should not.

Fix: Do not fire the check box click sound event on form load.

Astrology Toolkit
Unable to Import Astrology Resplendent Effects

When attempting to import resplendent effects, errors are thrown:
Cannot find the input table or query "Resplendent_Effects_Detail_Get_Name_Exalted_Id".

Fix: Added updated database to have query Resplendent_Effects_Detail_Get_Name_Exalted_Type_Id to handle this process.

All Character Toolkits
Auto increase of Combo Grid rows

Add check to character combo load that if the number of combos is greater then or equal to the number of total grid rows, add 5 more.   ComboLoadToGrid()


Sidereal & Spirit XP Point Template
Added Charm2_Pick_As_Eclipse

Charm2 (Eclipse/Spirit) Pick As Eclipse? (0=No, 1=Yes) - When this is set on, clicking on the other charms button on the character's charm tab will list all other Exalted charms as learn-able.   This emulates the Solar Eclipse ability and supercedes any other settings limiting selection and listing of other charms.


Sidereal Toolkit
Base XML display includes charm names

Added load of charm names to the base xml's charm and martial art charm nodes. Previously only listed "charm" as the name.


Sidereal Toolkit
Base XML display includes Thaumaturgy names

Added load of art, degree and procedure names to the base xml's.   Previously only listed "Thaumaturgy" as the name.   And added spells, specialities, astrology colleges and astrology charms.


Sidereal Toolkit
Base XML display includes background 2 names

When displaying the base xml of a experienced character, the names of the background 2 will now display, instead of just "background2".


Copy Characters
Save of Bonus Point Characters

SaveChar_Insert_Base_XML Error: -2147221504 thrown when attempting to copy a BP version character.

Fix: For inserts of base xml, if value is empty, do not attempt to save.   Needed for copying of bp version characters.   Updated char save dll to make this check.

All Character Toolkits
Enhance Base Xml display with names

Base XML display updated to include all detailed named for all parts (i.e., charms is replaced with charm name, etc.).


All Character Toolkits
Grey out Base Xml for BP Characters

Character menu BaseXml option is now disabled for non XP characters.


Sidereal Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

Change the experience point calculations to log on a per pick basics so all detail is seen.   These values can also be downloaded as a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet.


ExExport dll
Sidereal Astrology now contains College Description

For a character's export, Astrology now includes the College description as node "Collge_Description".   This includes all resplendent destinies.


New Character Sheet

Made up new sheet to include college descriptions.


Character Export dll
Add Astrology Resplendent Effects to xml

Added Astrology College Resplendent Effects to sidereal character sheet node.   But did not add to new report. In preparation of a new report.


All Character Toolkits
XML Treeview tab of BaseXml covers scroll bar

When the treeview is expanded and the scroll bar appears, the Expand All button would cover the scroll bar on the right.

Fix: Corrected by setting cmdBaseXMLExpandAll.Left = 7800 as form startup.

Char Export DLL
Change "Any Excellency" print exclusion

Charms & MA build xml - Skip all free cost charms that start off with "any " instead of only "Any Excellency" charms.


Abyssal Toolkit
Point Template calcs - Ward Degree Taken throws off points

clsPointUpdate - new function ThaumaturgyArtIdFromFullKey() to get the Art Id from the Full Key.

Fix: Updated logic to handle more then one digit.

Sidereal Toolkit
Charm CSV type mismatch

In frmExportCharmCSV, update SaveCharmsToCSV_Charms() & SaveCharmsToCSV_MaCharms() to not error out with a type mismatch error on when fields Charm_Cost_WP, Charm_Cost_Other, and Charm_Book_Page are added to the CSV output line.

Fix: Add null check for these fields and replace with a blank.

Lunar Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

Change the experience point calculations to log on a per pick basics so all detail is seen.   These values can also be downloaded as a CSV file for use in a spreadsheet.


All Character Toolkits
frmImportXML - LoadLstChars Object invalid error

When selecting a xml file that does not have any characters, a error message of 91 is given, saying Object With not set.

Fix: Add check for this error and give a more descriptive message explaining that the file does not have any characters.

Dragon-Blooded Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

As done earlier for the Solar Toolkit.


Infernal Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

As done earlier for the Solar Toolkit.


Mortal Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

As done earlier for the Solar Toolkit.


Spirit Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

As done earlier for the Solar Toolkit.


All Character Toolkits
Reset scroll of specialty grid to top at char load

When going from one character that has more then 20 Specialties (over a page worth), and then loading a character with less then 10 specialties, it can cause the tab to appear to not show some specialties if the previous character had been scrolled down to the bottom of the grid.

Fix: On character load, cause grid to always start at the top.

All Character Toolkits
Specialties not sorted

Specialies in the grid should list out by abiltity and then specialty name.   Instead they are listed by order of addition to the character.


Spirit Tookit
Clicking/Unclicking Essence throws off BP

Bonus point for spirits with a max starting of 6 essence will have bp spent for charm increase for each click of the essence.   The Ox-Body picks are being increased by 5 or 6 for each click (the essence rating).

Fix: CharmOxBodyUpdate() lngOxBodyMod not calculating correctly due to not using lngOxBodyTotal as base number.

Spirit Toolkit
Removed update of ox-body if resistance selected

When clicking on the ability grid and changing resistance, solar logic was being applied base on resistance being changed.

Fix: Removed so that only essence changes will reduce the ox-body.

Dragon King Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

As done earlier for the Solar Toolkit.


Char Import DLL
Range values converting to Numbers

A previous change was made to allow the saving of weapon tag codes in the range field. Unfortunately the import process was still converting to numbers on import, so tag codes were lost.

Fix: Weapon_Extract for Range changed to load as a string instead of a number (removed numeric conversion to allow tags).

Ghost Toolkit
Point Spent Updated with Per Pick Detail

As done earlier for the Solar Toolkit.


BaseXml DLL
Add Fetters support

Fetters are not being added into the BaseXml calculations.

Fix: Update baseXml to also include Fetters in ghost calculations and build of the baseXml.

Ghost Toolkit
Fetters require unique validation

Multiple fetters of the same name can be added.   This is incorrect.   Each fetter needs to be unique for BaseXml calculations.

Fix: Added Fetter Name unique check to got focus event of fetter grid


~~~After 11/28/2014 Post



Sidereal Toolkit
Specialty Count

Added number of dots to specialty count displayed.


Lunar Toolkit
Starting Essence over 2 costing BP

When attempting to use a bonus point template that has essence greater then the default of 2, the extra essence dots are costing bp instead of being free.   Cause: The updated point template is not being loaded into the point calculation object at the time of point template selection, therefore, bonus points are being calculated against the default template.

Fix: Change the timing of the load of the template into the point calculations object to occur at time of point template selection.

Lunar Toolkit
Virtue Flaws missing

Fix: Copied in the flaws from the lunar pdf

Sidereal Toolkit
Specialty Dots Taken not updating on dot clicks

When learning dots of specialities, the total counter is not being updated.

Fix: Updated point calculation logic to make the specialty dots learned counter get updated on the tab.

Abyssal Toolkit
Enable Necromancy Background2

With the changes made for the point update spent process, failed to moved the necessary necromancy logic.

Fix: Updated to spell counts to treat necromancy as a background2 item.

All Character Toolkits
Point Template Updated with Necromancy Background Option

Added Necromancy Background Options based on the Abyssal background


Astrology Toolkit
Saving an update clears Effect

When saving an astrological college resplendent effect, it should stay on the form instead of clearing.    Also, the tab locked setting should prevent the resetting of tabs to the detail tab.

Fix: Only clear the charm when a new effect is added and saved for the first time.    This is to allow the quick initial entry of effects.

Abyssal, Alchemical, Dblood, Lunar, Sidereal Toolkits
Weapon tab - Allow Slash/Plus in Damage

Update txtWeaponDamage_KeyPress event to allow back slash & plus key to be typed in.


Astrology Toolkit
Changed Astrologies show as Name*

When a change is made to a resplendent effect, a asterisk is added to the right end of the title of the item.   This is to show that a change is pending and will be removed once the item is saved.


Astrology Toolkit
Remove extra CRLF from description

Fix: Clean up the descriptions of the resplendent effects by removing embedded CRLF left in from copy/paste of descriptions.

Astrology Resplendent Effects Sheet
New report created for listing of resplendencies by name.


All Character Toolkits (Except Lunar)
Added function GenRTrimChars()

This trims off extra cr lf at the end of a string.   Added to the charm description to clean up the extra whitespace at the end of the description.


Labyrinth Charm XP off on conver to XP

It was noticed in the Lunar Toolkit that when a character in Bonus Point phase takes Labyrinth Necromancy and has intelligence favored, it will cost the correct favored bonus points, but will not translate correctly to XP phase.   This is an issue in all Character Toolkits.

Fix: Update the function call of BaseXmlToXP_All_Charms_SorceryNecromancy() in the BaseXmlToXp() function to send in the favored xp cost of Labyrinth Necromancy charm instead of the non favored.

XP count of basexml off on zero cost charms

If not found in the charm array when searching for the name, it can throw off the xp count if missing charm was zero cost.   This means that a zero cost charm was removed from the xp version of the character that was present in the bp version.

Fix: In BaseXmlToXP_Charms() add check for Charm Name when loading charms from basexml.

Lunar Beastman sheets
Lunar Beastman attribute bonus updated by pointing to correct templates.

Also changed beastman attributes to use newer layout of attributes grouped by type.


Lunar Sheets

Updated lunar sheets with detail changes and hiding of bp on xp phase.   Updated lunar and beastman sheets for heading section alignment.   Also changed movement to new movement nodes.

New sheet: Char1Lunar3_2e.xsl


Lunar Beastman Sheet
Added Wolf's Pace to movement section.


Wyld Mutations Toolkit
Mutation Effects Length increased to 255

This was set at text data type of 80 characters in length.   Increased to max allowed text size of 255.


New Toolkit - Manse Powers

Copied the House toolkit and customized to simplify manse creation.


Point Template Toolkit
Copy Current Template #1 appending

In the Copy Current Template process of GetNewTemplateName, check if old name has #1 at end.

Fix: When found, bump up number instead of appending #1 to end.

Manse Power Toolkit, House Toolkit
Form Resize added

Borders of the form changed to resizeable.   This resizes the descriptions text box.


Lunar, Sidereal Toolkit
Updated charm export to include charm keywords

New column added to csv file that holds the list of keyword.   Added function GetCharmKeywords to retrieve these from the database.


All Character Toolkits
Special XP lost on Saves

Sporadic losing of the special xp after saving and then adding a charm then re-saving.

Fix: Added function CopyFormToObjChar_Special_XP to create a working copy of the special xp that is then passed into the char_all object.   What appears to be happening is that the char_all object is used to send the character data to the save dll.   This object is then destroyed after the save is complete, sometimes causing the special xp to be lost.

Lunar Toolkit
Add Silver Lunar Resolution support

This charm adds motes to the character's Peripheral Essence pool but must be kept track separately.   Treat in same manner as the Solar ImmanentSolarGlory charm.


All Character Toolkits
Advantage Dot Image Lock

Gave the advantages their own lock button that is not grouped with the charm lock.   This prevents conflicts from occurring when a virtue dot is marked as used.   Also made the locks reset to unlocked when a new character is made or selected.


All Character Toolkits
Dot Image Locked on Character Loads

This is caused by the Dot Image logic scoring the state zero (un-clicked) as if it were clicked.

Fix: Changed logic in function RestoreStateToLoad() to not count the zero state.

All Character Toolkits
Special XP tab items now resize

The list boxes and labels on the Special XP tab will now shift into more appropriate sizes based on the selected layout size.


Charm Toolkit
Add Charm Point Cost Multiplier column

To support separate costs for sub modules for the Alchemicals, it is necessary to add a new column for point cost multipliers and fixed costs.


All Character Toolkits
Charm Point Cost Multiplier Added

In order to support Alchemical sub modules, added a data element to the charms that provides either a fixed xp cost or a multiplier.


All scope changed of basexmlToXp

In all exalt types, changed the used of the _All class object to be created at object instantiation instead at BaseXmlToXP() call.


All Character Toolkits
Copied Character throws Object not Set error

When a point update is called, and object not set error is thrown from the PointUpd function.   This is caused due to the moChar_Base_XML not being correctly initialized.

Fix: In ActionCharCopyCurrent() force a load of the character after saving the newly copied character to the database.   This initializes all the correct objects to prevent any point calculation errors.

All Character Toolkits
"BgTitle" to "BgPoints"

"BgPoints" is not being loaded from the registry. Instead the "BgTitle" is used. Title is used by the Storyteller kits, not the character toolkits so whenever the "BgTitle" was looked for, it would not find in the registry and default to a hard-coded background image.

Forms affected:

Abyssal Charms
Moved all ink monkey charms into hidden tree

Removed charms from visible selection due to their unbalanced nature.   Placed in hidden charm tree "*Ink Monkey Abyssal Charms".

Charm Toolkit
Updated Charm Export - *All Charms for Exalt

Added option in Tree list to allow the selection of all charms for the current exalted type to be sorted by charm name.


All Character Toolkits
After save, abilities change caste when using scroll wheel

A focusing issue can occur if on the abilities tab and save button is clicked.   The character will save, but then when you use the scroll wheel on the mouse, the caste changes, thereby changing all the abilities caste/favored selected on the ability grid.

Fix: After a save is done, set focus to the tab. This prevents focus from going to the caste combo box.

Abyssal Toolkit
Essence Engorgement Multiple Charm Support Added

Converted Essence Engorgement to errata 2.5 rules. This brings in line with the solar toolkit the matching charms in war, larceny, lore, bureaucracy and performance.   Also changed charms to use dot selection based on the multi-select logic instead of hard-coded support.


Abyssal Toolkit
Scroll Wheel on Ability tab changing caste

Caste drop down is being focused on after changing focus to another window then coming back to toolkit.   Ability grid will change assigned castes many time once focus is set again to the toolkit.

Fix: Caste control on details tab was mistaking set to tab index order of 0, causing to to always gain focus after leaving window and coming back.   Changed character name textbox to tab order 0 to prevent this problem from occuring.

All Character Toolkits
Charm List click expands node in Charm Tree

When clicking on a charm in the selected charm listbox, the charm tree on the left will expand and posistion to the selected charm.   This allows for easier reference of the charm in the tree.   Change is made by taking in the charm's node key and then finding it in the tree's node list of charms.   Then the logic looks at the charm's parent node and walks backwards from there, expanding each parent's parent until the root is reached and the parent is nothing.   Also changed for Martial Arts.

Enhancement (Mike Emerson's Idea)

Lunar Toolkit
Add Tree Name to Charm Description

In second line of the description, below the Charm Name will have the tree name listed on its own line: (Charisma - Military Unit).


All Character Toolkits
Zero cost necromancy & sorcery charms still cost BP

After setting necromancy to zero cost in bp template, charms are still charged bp.

Fix: Added checks after the total count of charms selected but before the totalling up of total counts to zero out the appropriate counter when the point template bp value is zero.

Abyssal, Background, Point Template, ST Manager Toolkits
Import Export window size

Increased width of file select window for imports and exports.


New Character Toolkit - Alchemicals

Added support for Alchemical Exalted with their own toolkit.    All the usual features for a celestial exalt type has been added.



~~~After 8/29/2015 Post


Mortal Toolkit

Convert to Infernal, Alchemical, Ghost added - Add buttons in Toolbar

- Trouble getting backgroud grey right. Rgb 192, 192, 192.    - Also settings in registry for toolbar was not showing new toolbar buttons.    - Added logic to set all of the convert buttons to visible = true.

Infernal Toolkit

Converted mortal throws exeception on load - misc xml error

CharLoad_27Misc_XML - Importing character from a Mortal will be missing the Yozi_Id, so don't try to extract.

Fix: Instead load string "Select a Yozi".

Abyssal Character Sheets

Added new sheet 4 & 4 Crafts

- Added sheets that do not have backgrounds listed and separate sections for crafts.    Also shows essence replenishment.   - Added basic Essence Engorgement support to abyssal Essence pool with replenishment.


All Character Toolkits

Combo load time

Improved combo loading performance on load to the combo window from the grid. Also added check for any selected charms.    Combo window will only display if you have learned any charms.


All character toolkits

Removing items from item list sometimes throws exception:

lstItemsSelected_DblClick Error: 5 Invalid procedure call or argument

This is caused due the the click event also having delete logic.   Therefore if you double clicked, then the click event might fire, removing the item, and then the selected row would be -1 in the double click event, causing the index of -1 to not be found.

Fix: remove remove item logic from click event and add check for index greater then -1 in the double click.

All Character Toolkits

Item tab not resized to 1600x1200

Not increasing all of the item tab listboxs on all toolkits

Fix: Update toolkits to properly resize item tab elements to appropriate 1600x1200 sizes.

All Character Toolkits

Specialty Totals list dots selected

As done earlier in the sidereal toolkit, the total number of dots selected will display next to the specialty count.


Sidereal Toolkit

Increase width of Astrology College Desc

On astrology tab, increase width of txtCollegeDesc to fill out to the right.


All Character Toolkits

Point Cost Multiplier added to Charm descriptions

Updated ExBasXML.dll to include function CharmPointCostMultiplierDescription to have a shared location of descriptions.   Also updated procs in database to include this column.


All Character Toolkits

Unreadable character saved from copy/paste prevents imports

Anytime a copy/paste of text is placed in a textbox of a toolkit, there is a chance a character that is unrecognizable of ascii code 12 (hex 0C) could be pasted.   This Form Feed character is not recongized by XML by default, so can cause the importing of a charm, character, etc to fail.

Fix: On all data saves, remove Ascii character code 12 from all strings/text being saved.


Add class clsMisc to library.   This will hold the ReplaceBadText function in a centralized binary.   Just know there will be more bad characters to replace in the future, so spend the time now to make this up.

Moved GenReplaceBadText() to ExMisc.clsMisc for a central location of all text scrubbing code.   Added reference to ExMisc.dll


Infernal Toolkit

Anima text not reloading

After saving a inferno character, the entered anima text is not being loaded.

Fix: Added load of Anima text on character load

All Character Toolkits

Allow typing of carriage return in Anima text box.

Hitting enter key in the anima textbox was set to instead send a tab key to move focus from the anima to next control on form.   Fix: Remove event handler txtAnima_KeyPress so that the carriage return is allowed into the anima description.   Also updated sheets to convert CRLF character to line breaks that browsers can handle.

Alchemical Toolkit

Can sometimes select protected Charms

Sometimes clicking on a charm colored as unselectable will still allow selection.

Fix: Issue caused by changing the backcolor of the tree node on node click.   Removed this logic to kick out the click event when the color of the node is set as protected.

Sidereal Toolkit

Charm2 (Heart button) unselection not working for child charms in list

When unselecting a charm that is a parent of another learned charm, the child charms are not being removed from the selected charm list.

Fix: Whenever a charm is selected or unselected, a check is made on all charms in the selected list to see if its still selected in the charm tree.   When it is not, then it is removed from the selected list.   Due to the sheer number of charms in the charm2 charm tree, it must be done in reverse order to keep this from being slow.

Character Toolkits

Spirit Charm Descriptions pointed to wrong exalt type

The GetCharmDescription function was looking for 2e version but always defaulting to abilities base.

Fix: Add check for 2e that points to abilities.   This turns out to be correct due *Universal and abilities being used, not virtues.

Character Toolkits

Added charm tree name to charm description

Updated procs to include charm_tree_name.   This is added to the charm description for all charms beside martial arts.


Sidereal Toolkit

Update Charm2 Caste Icons

Noticed that for all exalt types, the icon image was from 1e solar version of the program.   Updating to match with current version.


Install Freeze Up

Added conditional logic for the fonts. In the Install File command, there is a check you can add to see if file is older, and skip if so.   But this wasn't good enough since the registration of the fonts would also freeze.   So added a pre check to see if the font exists in the FONT folder and set a local variable.   This variable would then be checked later to allow for registration if it was a new install.


Manse Power Toolkit

Select by power type and favored manse type

Add menu option to list out and select powers by power type and favored manse type.   Made up new drop down lists to do this.


Sidereal Toolkit

ProtectCharmsFromSelection added to Charms2

In the Charms2 popup window, added lock image above the charms for non sidereal and spirit charms.   This allows for easy browsing of charm descriptions with having to select/unselect.



Charm multi picks not rounding up for Essence Rating Odd

Fix: VB Round() not working. Change to: lngValue = Int((moChar_All.Char_Advantages.Essence / 2) + 0.999)

Spell Toolkit

Spell_Category_Id missing from exports

Fix: Added Spell_Category_Id to import and export of spells xml.

Alchemical Toolkit fixes - Skyler list

Replacing Sorcery with Protocols

Adding Protocols. Fix: These replace sorcery for Alchemicals. Updating terrestrial and celestial sorcery to point to man-machine and god machine protocols.   Added these two new protocols to the sorcery table

Lunar Toolkit

Sorcery & Necromancy Favored based on Occult

Occult was being used to check for the sorcery and necromancy charms and spells since the point calc changes in v7.   Probably broke when point costs were moved to own class.

Fix: Use Intelligence as favored check.

Alchemical Toolkit

Abilities over 3 dots getting reset to 3

Whenever a character with over 3 dots in any ability was saved and reloaded, the ability was always being reset to 3.   Caused by reference to max starting essence rating that had a value of 3.

Fix: Reset the EssenceOver5 logic to check for 5 instead of the max starting essence points in the point template.

Thaumaturgy - All character toolkits

Added in all of the thaumaturgy procedures and arts (sciences) found in the Alchemicals.

- Alchemy - 3 new procedures
- The Science of Bioenhancement
- The Science of Probabilistics




This site and its contents are Copyright 2003-2010 Edward A. Ostrowski
Exalted, Solar, Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, Abyssal, Sidereal, Dragon-King, Infernal are Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.