


 Version 7.1  

Ed's Workshop

Toolkit Samples
Dragon King

Dev Notes

Developer (Ed)
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More Updates to the Toolkits

Changes made from March 20th - September 3rd, 2016 and then to January 16th 2018

Alchemical Toolkit
Missing Alchemical extra HL

Alchemicals get an extra -2 health level for each dot of essence they have.   This is not reflected in the toolkit.

Fix: Updated HL calcutions to add in essence rating dots into -2 HL.   Also includes HL in the character sheets.

Solar Toolkit
Remove Ink Monkey Charms

Due to the unbalanced nature of the Ink Monkey Charms, have moved these from the solar toolkit into a hidden charm tree.   Also the solar hero charms are also moved.   These charms have been exported and saved for those that will to use.

Alchemical Toolkit
Bug: commited charm costs of [1m] note being tracked

Fix: Add logic in charm slots to extract and calculate the total committed motes.   These values are displayed on the charm slot tab with totals for dedicated and general slots.   They are posisted next to the total slots used in brackets.   For example, 1/5 [1] would be one of five slots used with 1 mote committed.

Solar 2.5 errata charms updated

Added New Sorcery type
• Added new sorcery circle - Book of the Dragon

• Point Template item added to solar bp in db:   Sorcery Show Book of Secrets (0=No, 1=Yes)
• Updated solar bp template dll to have this property

Solar Toolkit
Book of the Dragons sorcery type added.

• Point Template item added to solar xp in db.   Noticed after the fact that the Allow to learn sorcery options where in the xp template, not bp.   • BasXML recompiled - Binary compatiblity broken
• Dragons Button added on Sorcery tab. Will only display when Book of Secrets is 1.

Solar Tookit
Sorcery book of dragon - cleaned up graphic on reload and set place of button and size of spell listbox for this option. ------------------------
Solar Tookit
Added Book of the Night and Book of the Sun tabs to sorcery.

Solar Tookit
Enabled the point calcs for the night and sun sorcery.

All Character Toolkits
Save BP Characters before convert to XP

Changes can be lost on a bp character if you did not first save before converting to xp.   Change made to first save the character before converting so that no potential changes are lost.


All Character Toolkits
Update Error Message window with enter & escape key support

When a error message is displayed, close the window when the enter key or escape key are pressed.   Also cancel all keystrokes in the error message text.


Thaumaturgy Arts
Added descriptions to all Thaumaturgy arts.

Spell Toolkit
Spell Imports wrong description on large imports

The descriptions of spells on imports of more the a few spells would become miss matched with the wrong spells.   Fix: After importing the spell detail, assigned the detail id to the spell description so that these are insync.

Charm Toolkit
Add resize form minimum check

On form resize, added check to prevent resizing of form that is smaller then original height and width.


Alchemical Toolkit
Charms for 6th Attribute Exc - Wits expanded

Made up charms for all 25 abilities and the matching submodules for wits - Craft, Wits - Occult, etc.

Alchemical Toolkit
Charms for 6th Attribute Exc - Wits expanded

Expanded to include all attributes from xml exports that had key elemental updated via copy/replace.   Added 450 charms in total.

Caste Toolkit
After saving existing Caste, new caste is displayed

Fix: Changed logic to only present new caste after entering a new caste.   Existing castes will stay on the current value and also update the name in the title and caste list on left if name is changed.

Install Error
Fonts blocking install

Required to set "install as administrator" to exe on local to get font check to work.   Fix: Changed font check to prevent a "install file" call unless the font is missing from system.   Seems that the preserve existing can still cause security check fails.

Solar Toolkit
Health Level row posistioning missing from lower sizes

Notice that the dying HL array number was wrong.   After fixing that display element index that was pointing to the attribute dot total count, saw that 1024x768 and 1280x720 was also missing.

Fix: Added the 1600x1200 posistioning to the other two sizes

Solar Toolkit
Attribute total dots on Attribute tab not counting

Enhancement since 2008 that was never completed: Display the total number of attribute dots 3/1/2008 GetAttributeTotalDotsSelected().

Solar Toolkit
Specialty Selection changed to double click

Selection of existing specialties changed to double click to match how other elements are selected from lists. ------------------------
All Character toolkits
Items added in Item tab have a space prepended to name

Whenever a character is loaded, a space is added to the front of the item name.   Fix: Remove the addition of space(1).

Charm Toolkit
Sporatic error on charm saves "Operation must use an Updateable Query"

Sometimes when saving a charm after a change, the error will occur during the save keywords step.

Fix: attempt to prevent error: "Operation must use an Updateable Query"
Add to function DbAdoOpenCon2
CursorLocation = adUseServer

Wise installer for EdExalt7
Removed password requirement

Added in one cmd to the installer to put in a default pw.   This causes wise to skip the pw entry window, therebye bypassing the pw requirement.

All Character Toolkits
Special XP - Order by Name

Changed the listing of the special xp entries to list out by name instead of by how they were selected.


Solar Toolkit
Special XP - Duplicate entries allowed

When adding a entry with the same name, it is allowed and then will throw an exception message that there is a duplicate key value.

Fix: Update validation to be case neutral for the name check.

All Character Toolkits
Add "Roll" button to toolkit next to the donate image.

This will launch the default browser with the site www.edexalted.com/exalteddiceroller url.


Wise installer for EdExalt7
Set all exe files to always replace

Was previously set to check version.   Since some install over the previous version without a uninstall, the always replace is potentially cleaner.

All Character Toolkits
Specialty Selection changed to double click

Selection of existing specialties changed to double click to match how other elements are selected from lists.


Post 9/3/2016 V7 Live

All Character Toolkits
Background layout to match Abyssals

A suggestion came in that the abyssals bg was designed much nicer then the rest of the toolkits.   After looking over, have to agree and have updated the layout on all 3 resolutions to match the abyssals.   This also includes the 6th dot for Dreams of the First Age characters.

All Toolkits with Eclipse charms
Invalid Pre-Req Charms for "Burden Ghost Glamour"

The Burden Ghost Glamour charm had a reference to a alchemical charm.   This was due to the original charm pointing to a staff charm (shape-forged servant), which is not the norm for fair folk charms.   They usually stay within their own trees.   Seems like the charm load process could not find the list charm, and defaulted to the alchemical one.

Corrected error by removing the pre-req charm dependency to shape-forged servant.

Link Toolkit
Added dice roller link to last position on the storyteller link bar

All Character Toolkits
Dynamically add 5 more weapon rows to the weapon tab with sub WeaponDetailInitalize11To15

Also added logic to hide rows of weapons on the lower resolutions.   Default will only show row 11, 2nd will show 11 to 13 and highest two will show all 5.

Dragon-Blooded, Alchemical, Dragon-King, Ghost, Infernal, Mortal, Spirit Toolkits

Updated SpecialtyDotsNot3() to more accurately adjust the right position of the flexgrid and container.

All Character Toolkits
Implement 1440x900 Resolution

All Toolkits
Reload Toolkit exception

frmChar_Toolkit: WeaponDetailInitalizeControl Error: 360
Object already loaded

Fix: add error check for code 360 to exit out of sub

Abyssal, Dblood, Dking, Ghost, Inferno, Lunar, Mortal, Spirit Toolkits
Missing Reload tool

Added Reload tool to options.

All Character Toolkits
Brutal Attack Merit support - Melee (str)

• On the weapon tab, the Melee (str) ability can be assigned to a weapon.   This replaces dexterity with strength for the attribute used for accuracy.

Solar Toolkit
Combo Window - Order by ability name

Sort by Ability or Charm Name button - finished

All Character Toolkits
Combo scroll - Fixed

The calculations for number of rows was rounding down to 0.   This caused the no scroll on large size combos.   Figured out by comparing to the ability grid which had 28 rows, so multiplying by 0.33 got 8.   The combo in some characters had only 3 or 4 rows visible.   This would round down to zero.

Fix: When Lset is 0, set to one so that at least one row is scrolled.   Also set the default row to check as the first visible row instead of row 0.

All Character Toolkits
Enable ctrl + A for artifact description & diary text entry selection

All Character Toolkits
Point Total spent sometimes show negative points on character loads

Points on character load will no longer display potentially negative values.   Instead the values will be *** on bp load or for xp load, the last saved xp total.

All Character Toolkits
On Character Load, Name is auto selected

Turn off auto select on name focus to prevent accidental name clearing on character load

DragonBlooded Toolkit
Artifact Tab resize

Resize layout for artifact tab's commit was over too far to left.   Corrected location.

All character Toolkits
Armor Tab - Bonus to Parry DV not adding in to Weapon Calcs

• When a bonus value is added in, it does not show on the weapon tab's defense column.   • In function UpdateOtherLabels_Weapons, load txtDefenseValuePhysical_Parry_Extra into oDefValProps.Extra_Bonus

Thaumaturgy Tree dll
Update requirements function to compare against the min occult -2 required for a procedure.

All Character Toolkits
Combo Copy Button Added

Add a new button to the combo tab that makes a copy of the currently selected combo, renames new combo with a trailing @ symbol and launches the combo window.

All Character Toolkits
Combo Add Button Added

To make it more clear on how to add a new combo, click on the button instead of clicking on a empty grid row.

All Character Toolkits
Points Spent for free merits from starting points not showing in Points Spent

Fix: Added logic to check for the merit and write the appropriate amount of negative points to the point spent.

Book Toolkit Added
New Storyteller Toolkit

This new storyteller toolkit allows you to add new entries for book names to use for references in all your charms, spells and other data elements of the toolkits.



This site and its contents are Copyright 2003-2010 Edward A. Ostrowski
Exalted, Solar, Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, Abyssal, Sidereal, Dragon-King, Infernal are Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.