Compiled 1/10/2007 - 2/21/2007
Solar Toolkit
Converting 1e to 2e - Duplicate Index error on Character Name
When you select the 1e to 2e options more then once, a duplicate index error will occur since that character has already been converted to 2e.
Add name check for the character in 2e.
When the name already exists, use the new character name generation to append a #999 value to the right of the name.
Solar Toolkit
Converting 1e to 2e - Ox-Body picks not cleared
If a 1e character had ox-body as a charm, the saved number of picks were not being cleared when converting to the 2e character.
Clear all Ox-Body picks when converting character.
Solar 2e Toolkit
Resistance Reduced does not check Ox-Body picks
If your resistance is reduced, the ox-body picks must be reduced to be the same as your picks in resistance.
For example, if you have 3 picks in ox-body, but then reduce resistance from a 3 to a 2, you should only then have 2 ox-body picks.
Check ox-body check to look for resistance instead of endurance.
Charm Toolkit
Charm Pre-req select error
lstPreReqs_DblClick Error: 381
Invalid property array index
This error occurs if you have multiple pre-req charms and then you double click to remove it.
This is occuring because the charm is first removed in the click event, then when the double click is fired, the charm in question is already gone.
Removed click event code. Only the double click will remove the charm from the pre-req list now.
DLL Update
CharmTreeViewSetup_MA Error: -2147221504
(-2147221504) clsCharmTrv)MA.Abl_CharmSetup2_NoPreReqs
(91) Object variable or with Block variable not set
This error occurs when you delete all of the existing Martial Arts Styles.
The only way to prevent this from happening is to not delete any of the existing Martial Arts Styles.
Can not currently stop a user from deleting martial art styles.
Therefore there is no way to prevent this error from occuring.
Instead, have given a more detailed error message informing the user of why this is occuring.
Additional Error Message Detail:
Invalid Martial Arts Styles
The following Charms have ## Invalid/Missing MA Styles
Did you Delete any MA Styles?
Followed by a List of the charms in error.
Martial Arts Sytle Toolkit
Deletion of MA Styles
If a MA style is deleted and there are ma charms associated with it, it will cause a error in the Character toolkits on toolkit load.
This error will prevent the ma charms from loading correctly.
Depending on how many styles are deleted, you may notice a few style trees not loading correctly or you may destroy all of the MA charm trees.
Thinking about this, it may seem to be a flaw in my logic, but on review, how can you fault a tree that does not stand when you have destroyed its roots?
To prevent this type of error from occuring, all martial art style deletes will check to see if there are any charms that still use the style.
If there are, then the MA style will not be deleted. A list of all of the ma charms that still use it will be presented.
New Query
Martial Arts Sytle Toolkit
Mass Update of Charm Martial Art Styles
Added to help with the deletion of MA Styles, you can use this option to move an entire tree of charms to another charm tree or N/A.
This will save you time so that you don't have to go into the Charm Toolkit to update each individual charm.
New Query
All Character Toolkits
Artifact Update Error
Diary Update Error
When working with multiple artifacts or diary entries, sometimes the following error will occur when saving or adding new artifacts and diary entries to your character.
ArtifactUpdateAdd Error: 5
Invalid procedure call or argument
This error is caused if the name of the artifact has a trailing blank when you create it.
The key of the item had the blank in it, but when the update of the artifact was attempted, it the key and name did not match.
Buy it not finding the artifact, it would produce the above error.
Trim the blanks from the artifact name before saving to temporary storage.
Solar 2 Toolkit
MA Style Toolkit
Charm Toolkit
New Error Message popup
When a error occurs, a new message popup will display.
This will allow you to easily copy and paste the error in question so that it is easier for you to email it to me or post on the EdExalted forum.
Artifact Character Sheet
Invalid N/A or Expectional Level
N/A level or exceptional level artifact is displaying as 5 dots +2.
Martial Arts Sytle Toolkit
Mass MA Style change in charms
In response to the Deletion MA Style error above, the user will be able to select a style and then assign a
new style or N/A to all of the associated charms with that group of charms.
Mass change of N/A is prohibited.
Character Imports
Missing Custom Data items
Sometimes custom charms, spells, etc are lost on import.
The problem lies with all of the items being stored with a relational id.
These id are created when the custom item is made on a user's system.
But this id is unique to the system, not necessary to all systems.
When the item in question is exported and sent to a new user, the item my not be imported and assigned the exact same id.
This high potential for different id's are why these items can be lost.
Add checks to all of the following character import areas to see if the given item already exists for that exalted type.
Therefore if a solar2 charm is found with the same name, the id from the local user's database is used instead of the exported id.
Charms Eclipse/Spirit
Martial Art Charms
Combo Charms
Point Templates
(Add Exalted_Type_Id to result list)
Solar 2e Point Templates
Bonus Point Template
Charm2 (Eclipse/Spirit) Bonus Point Cost = 8
XP Template
Charm2 (Eclipse/Spirit) XP Cost = 16
Charm2 (Eclipse/Spirit) Will Power Multiply Cost = 1
Set the two point entries to 2x the favored cost of charms (Exalted 2e p. 100).
Data Update
Point Template Toolkit
Template Import not updating costs correctly
When importing a point template and selecting the Overwrite option, the changes where not being applied.
This bug was caused by the update function using the wrong id for the template.
A zero was used instead of the id of the template being imported.
Use the correct import id that matches with the exalted type and point template name being imported.
Point Template Toolkit
Added Point Cost Name to template export
With the addition of the point cost name, it is much easier to look in the xml file to see what a point cost is.
The primary use of this is to be used the creation of a Point Cost Sheet.