Compiled 2/22/2007 - 6/7/2007
Solar Toolkit 2e
Charm Totals changed on xp
When viewing an experienced character, only the total number of charms will display on the upper right corner of the charm and martial arts charm trees.
Solar Toolkit 2e
Imminent Solar Glory
When this charm is selected, you will now receive a popup window asking how many ranks you wish to select in this charm. You may pick up to your essence. A separate periphal mote pool is kept for this charm at 10 motes per pick.
All Character Toolkits
Allow Resizing to 1600x1200
Increase the size of the toolkit form to display more. This option will allow you to change the size of the Toolkit.
Settings>Resize Toolkit>1024x768
Settings>Resize Toolkit>1600x1200
Charm Toolkit
Charm Imports - Missing custom Martial Art Styles
When a charm with a custom Martial Art Style is import, there is a high chance that the style imported will not match up with the style in question. If this occured, the charm tree will probably not display. The charm in question would need to be updated with the new martial art style.
Update the charm export to include the martial art style name.
Charm Toolkit
Charm Export by Martial Art Style
Added ability to select charms for export by martial art style. This is a drop down list of all of the available martial art styles. This list feature works indepentently of the exalted type search.
Charm Toolkit
Charm Entry - Save the Martial Art Style between new charms
Speed up entry of martial arts charms by keeping the style name after the new charm is saved.
All Character Toolkits
Companions lose their Essence and virtue scores
After saving a character with a companion, these values did not re-load when the character was next viewed.
Add the load of Essence and virtue scores to the character load.
Martial Arts Style Toolkit
Charm Export
Sort list of available charms by name
New Character Sheets
Classic Sheets with black dots
Added a series of new "Classic" sheets. These sheets use the standard black dot for ability and attribute scores, among other stats. This was requested so that the sheets would be clearer on older printers.
In the process of adding the black dots, all character sheets where changed to make it easier to customize a sheet's dot image. On the character sheets, you can not easily change the dot image you wish to print for the selected item.
New Character Sheets
Character Sheets with Crafts
Replaced the background section with the five basic crafts and Architecture, Magitech and Genesis.
Character Import
Spell Duplicate Index error
When importing a character that has a spell that is not on your system, you can receive a duplicate index error if that spell has the same id as another of the character's spells that are being imported.
Check if all imported spells exist on the system. If they find a matching name and circle then the spell will be imported. Otherwise, do not import the spell.